RSVP (repondez, s’il vous plait / respond, please) is a critical component of finalizing your wedding day guest count. So what are the rules your guests should follow when they receive your invitation?
- Return them on time. That doesn’t mean mail them on the day they are due! Make sure to give them enough time to get to their final destination BY the due date. The sooner the better … the couple will appreciate it!
- And Guest. It will be clearly indicated on your invitation if you have a guest, either someone specific (if listed by name) or someone of your choosing (if listed as an unspecified “guest”). If the invitation lists only your name, respect the couple’s wishes and RSVP for one.
- The little ones. This is similar to number two. With kids, make sure to read the invitation: were their names or “and family” listed? If not, it is most likely an adult-only affair. If you want to confirm, ask the couple or close friend/family member who will know.
- Respond the way your host requested. If your host takes the time to send a RSVP card with a stamp, make sure to follow their request by responding via snail mail. If they prefer email or phone, then follow those suggestions.
- Follow through. If your RSVP yes, make sure you mark your calendar and arrive on time. Same goes if you plan not to attend – do not RSVP no and the show up on wedding day. Your host has already paid for the final guaranteed guest count so keep that in mind.
The biggest rule to remember: think what you would like done to you if you were the host. The couple has so many details to worry about, make it this portion of the process easy for them!
**Photo courtesy of Laurie Louis